Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
The heart of our Children's Ministry is to share the love of Jesus and the truth of His gospel from ages 2-12.
We offer childcare;
Sundays, All Service: - (Ages 2yrs-12yrs)
Wednesdays: 7pm (Ages 2yrs-12yrs)
Women's Ministry: No childcare provided
Men's Ministry: No childcare provided
We offer childcare;
Sundays, All Service: - (Ages 2yrs-12yrs)
Wednesdays: 7pm (Ages 2yrs-12yrs)
Women's Ministry: No childcare provided
Men's Ministry: No childcare provided
What to Expect:
On Sunday mornings we have 4 classes;
2-4 year olds
Kindergarten - 2nd Graders
3rd-5th Graders
In the younger class groups (Nursery and 2-4yrs), we love on the kids, share Jesus with them, and supervise them as they play with toys as well as color the lesson from that week.
In the older class groups, (K-2nd and 3rd-5th) class begins with prayer and asking the kids who brought their bibles. They are encouraged to bring their bible along each week and are given a prize for bringing it with them. We then give the chance to those who memorized the verse to share it with the teacher for an opportunity to win a bigger prize. After this we begin the lesson. Each child receives a set of class notes to follow along with, and those too young still to read or write receive a coloring page that coincides with the lesson. After the lesson is complete, we go over the class notes together and do the review questions game where the children play a spin off of corn hole in a chance to rack up the most points to win a prize for answering the most questions correctly about the lesson. Lastly, we close in prayer and by asking the kids specifically for prayer requests that they would like prayer for. At the end, we offer them a take home sheet so help memorize the verse and to take to heart all they have learned that given week.
2-4 year olds
Kindergarten - 2nd Graders
3rd-5th Graders
In the younger class groups (Nursery and 2-4yrs), we love on the kids, share Jesus with them, and supervise them as they play with toys as well as color the lesson from that week.
In the older class groups, (K-2nd and 3rd-5th) class begins with prayer and asking the kids who brought their bibles. They are encouraged to bring their bible along each week and are given a prize for bringing it with them. We then give the chance to those who memorized the verse to share it with the teacher for an opportunity to win a bigger prize. After this we begin the lesson. Each child receives a set of class notes to follow along with, and those too young still to read or write receive a coloring page that coincides with the lesson. After the lesson is complete, we go over the class notes together and do the review questions game where the children play a spin off of corn hole in a chance to rack up the most points to win a prize for answering the most questions correctly about the lesson. Lastly, we close in prayer and by asking the kids specifically for prayer requests that they would like prayer for. At the end, we offer them a take home sheet so help memorize the verse and to take to heart all they have learned that given week.